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Enrich Neurorehab

Enrich Neurorehab is a community exercise program for people living with chronic neurological conditions. The program provides individually-designed, evidence-informed exercise training for people experiencing challenges with movement due to the long-term effects of a neurological condition (e.g., stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injury). The program runs twice a week during each university term. The program is supervised by a Clinical Exercise Physiologist and supported by student volunteers. 


Currently, we have 50 clients enrolled in Enrich Neurorehab. All new referrals will be placed on a waitlist and we will work hard to place them into a session within 3-4 months. A partner organization, First Steps Wellness Centre, has also started to deliver their own in-house version of Enrich Neurorehab.


Enrich Neurorehab was developed as a community initiative of the Neuroplasticity and Neurorehabilitation Research Lab.

Key Elements

Cardiorespiratory Fitness





Balance & Coordination


Task-oriented Exercise

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Get Involved as an Enrich Client or Volunteer

Learn about our partner program Enrich @ First Steps Wellness Centre

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